
About CPTA

■Please ask us Your Tax Matters

Please feel free to ask us in any of the following cases:
  • I’d like to start a business or found a company.
  • I find it difficult understanding and keeping accounts.
  • I used to file my own tax returns but now I require some assistance.
  • I’d like some assistance in the buying and/or selling of real estate.
  • Tax issues related to purchasing a new home.
  • I’m thinking about making a gift to my child/children in the purchase of a residence.
  • I’d like to discuss taxes in relation to my will.
  • I need to divide property after divorce.
Various tax matters can arise at any given time in your life.
Please feel free to ask us.
※We guarantee your confidentiality.
CPTA must maintain client information as confidential. It shall apply even after the CPTA ceases to be a CPTA. (Sec.38 of the CPTA Act)
Please feel free to contact us directly.

■People without CPTA certificates cannot provide services as CPTA

Tax Accountant must be certified and register themselves on the CPTA members’ list and simultaneously belong to the CPTA Association where their offices are. Non certified tax accountant cannot provide services, and those who do will be punished by law. Please note that non certified tax accountant might charge unreasonable expenses, or cause unexpected losses to the taxpayer.

Please contact us for more information about CPTA.

Legitimated CPTA have CPTA certificates and wear CPTA badges.
CPTA badgeCPTA badge